"Creativity takes courage." - Matisse
The Mighty Girl Art summer session is right around the seasonal corner. We thought we would try something new this year and give your sponsors a moment to send a personal message to you. We will post messages from more sponsors in the coming weeks.

You may recognize this name because it's on all the wonderful chunky spiral journals that you see my studio. Ecojot was founded by the brother/sister team, Mark and Carolyn Gavin who wanted to create eco friendly paper products that feature inspirational designs.
A message to you from Daniella De Marco and the ecojot team...

A note to the girls at Might Girl Art:
A favourite quote of ours is by Gandhi: "In a gentle way you can shake the world."
You don't have to be a great leader or rich to help make the world a better place. You just have to be willing. Every little or big effort counts. Use your talent to give you the success you aspire for and help others at the same time.
We hope the journals give you the courage to create whatever it is your heart is telling you to.
All the best,
Daniela & the ecojot team
Stay tuned for more messages from your generous summer sponsors!
Made so & rooted by love,
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Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. - Henry James