so I write about coincidences, premonitions,
emotions, dreams, the power of nature, magic." - Isabel Allende
The rain greeted us at the meadow so we waited for the girls to arrive, took down the tipi, and moved to a dryer location - the art studio.

the girls are blissed-out!!!
Today we continued work on our art journals, painting backgrounds over our textured pages.
Our secondary project for the morning was Talisman Cuffs. A talisman is a symbolic object that can be carried or worn. In ancient times they believed that talismans had the power to protect the wearer. We used an Nazar bead as the "power bead" for our cuff. The nazar or "eye bead" dates back thousands of years. It is common in Turkish culture, but various forms of the eye can be found in Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu cultures as well.
Here's a video of day two...
*Girls, your mission for tonight is: Take a walk with your mom (if it's not raining) and share your dream (if you feel comfortable) see if there are any symbols in the dream that stand out to her. Ask her to help you find objects that you can use to represent those symbols found in your dreams. We will begin to add them to our journals tomorrow.
Dreamwork: Before sleep ask yourself, "What do I carry inside me? What serves me? What should I let go of?" Jot down your dreams. Bring them to camp.
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Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. - Henry James