"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being." - Hafiz
Due to threat of T-Storms, we arranged to hold our class in the studio this morning.
The morning gift came to us from the amazing folks at the National Wildlife Federation! Each girl received a wonderful "Be Out There" T-Shirt. Thank you, NWF!
We began the morning putting the finishing touches on our art journals so that we can begin our writing prompts tomorrow.
While the journals were drying we made some feather pens to use as a tool for our dreamwork.
Feeling munchy and wiggly, we took a snack break and went for a nature walk.
Refreshed from our romp, we began our final project for
the morning. We stitched the cyanotypes that we made yesterday onto tote
bags. We used fabric marker to embellish our tote with a favorite quote.
These tote bags will remind us to be selective about what we carry with
us on our path in life. We will try to remember to carry that which
serves us, and to let go of the things that weigh us down or hold us
Our morning complete, we said our goodbyes until tomorrow. Tomorrow is our closing ceremony and pizza party!
*Mighty Moms, the ceremony starts at 11 sharp.
Lastly, I would like to say "WOO HOO" to Mighty M who lost her tooth today on our hike - Congratulations, M.

AND Happy Birthday wishes to Mighty S who just made her 9th ride around the sun.

Girls, your mission for tonight (if it doesn't rain) is to take a walk with your mom. This is a wisdom walk. Ask your mom this question, "If you could give me only one pearl of wisdom to carry on my journey, what would it be?" Then listen carefully, notice everything, and remember as much as possible.
Dreamwork: Before sleep consider these questions-
What was most wonderful?
What surprised you?
What would you like to do again?
Jot down your dreams.
We'll be meeting in the studio again tomorrow as the threat of T-Storms Continue.
*A heartfelt THANK YOU to Mighty G for making me the gorgeous beaded wrap bracelet pictured above.
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Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. - Henry James