"Let the beauty that you love be what you do" - Rumi

Mighty Girl Art™ is pleased to announce that our proposal was accepted and we will be presenting a Monoprinting make & take at the 2016 NoVA Mini Maker Faire in March!!! Stay tuned for more information.
Maker Faire is an event organized by the well know DIY magazine "Make Magazine". Maker Faire has been dubbed the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker movement. It’s a place where people show what they are making, and share what they are learning.
* Also this is an open call for 4 Mighty Girl Volunteers. Mighty Makers will learn the behind the scenes workings of creative presentation from set-up to clean-up: presenting themselves as makers and teaching their craft to community, organization, teamwork, and networking with their kindred makers. If your daughter is interested in this exciting and fun opportunity please message me asap.
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Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. - Henry James