the long and wondrous journeys
still to be ours" - Mary Oliver
Something Spring-e this way comes...
(Click on photo for video)
You don't need to be an artist to take a Mighty Girl Art™ workshop, you just need to be female.
Creativity is your birthright!
Intuition is an integral part of is playfulness, and wonder. Mighty Girl Art™ focuses on these key elements to evoke a sense of sacredness in the creative process, foster awareness, and nurture self-esteem.
WHEN: March 23rd - April 14th.
*Registration closes on March 19th.
WHO: Mighty Girl Art™ workshops are designed for tweens/teens, but women enjoy them immensely because within us resides all the ages we've been. Little ones can participate with the help of a big sister, aunt, mom or grandmother.
*There is a translator button on the site so Mighty Girls around the world can tune in!
- If you didn't get into the Summer session, this session is for you!
- If you live too far away from our camp, this session is for you!
- If you don't think you're creative, this is the session for you!
- If you know you're creative, but have a nasty habit of comparing yourself to others, this is the session for you!
- If you're shy, or just need your space, this is the session for you!
- If you want to form your own Mighty Girl Art™ circle with your pals, this session is for you!
WHERE: Online. Create at your own pace, alone or with friend or family member. Host a Mighty Girl Art™ Spring-e-session party and invite your friends over to your screen and join the fun. *It's a buy one, and bring your bunch free!
Girl Scouts and Homeschoolers, your leaders can register once and all of you can gather to do the projects together! The site will be accessible to you for 3 months.
WHY: Because we are the gateway to this planet, and that alone is a gift worth celebrating. Because women are born creative, and it's vital that we take time to explore this gift. Because honoring ourselves is equal to honoring life itself. BECAUSE IT'S FUN!
Weekly videos, journal prompts and craft tutorials. These exercises
are designed to enrich your life, not interfere with school, work or
family time. The class site will remain open until summer so there is
no pressure.
What people are saying about Mighty Girl Art™ Spring-e-session...
"It is stunning from top to bottom, full of secret places and surprises, chock, chock, chock and bursting. It is a jewel box. Our girls don't have anything like this and what they do have doesn't leave them time to devote to self-discovery and expression. This is so suited to girls who have suffered their first losses of friendship, of power, of certainty, of love . . . who have begun the long season of being overlooked and misunderstood."
- Karen Maezen Miller (author of "Momma Zen" and "hand wash cold")
lovely! You've woven many elements so gently to create a sweet,
encouraging journey for our girls. Bits of wisdom, poetry, media all
presented in such a non-intimidating way that I wish had been my
experience as a young child. Gracious, inviting and charming, your
program is an invitation to have tea with oneself and chat about
possibilities and wonder."
- Flo Gascon (Wide Sky Days)
- Flo Gascon (Wide Sky Days)
"My prayers have been answered: Mighty Girl Art Spring E-Session is SouLodge for girls, and though mine will only be three, I'm also taking it because my inner ten year old wants to be healed through the full-integrity magical offering that is Wendy Cook's heart and soul. Feel her howling call, then walk to the fire with me."
- Pixie Campbell (Keeper of ceremony, sacred fire and the wild deep)
"There are not sufficient words to express the beauty that you have embedded into this offering. I am all at once overwhelmed with joy and excitement and deeply inspired to begin such an art practice with my girls. I have purchased and taken many art e-courses over the years and I have never seen anything so magical. I know it's for girls, but it could very well heal the little lost girl in so many women I know."
- Latisha Guthrie (Herb Mother)
*Paypal will redirect you to THIS sign in page, please bookmark that page. The classroom will be locked until March 20th - at that time you will be able to access the classroom and get familiar with the space. The weekly sessions are password protected and will appear in the menu bar each Saturday. Your password will arrive via email on March 20th. *Please make sure that the email address you use for Paypal is the SAME email you wish to receive your password as that address will go directly into the class roster. You will not be able to see the weekly sessions without this password!
Tools needed:
- Your hands
- your hearts
- your inherent intuition
- Journal – Boardbooks! Check yard sales, thrift stores, and used bookstores.
- Gesso
- Sandpaper
- Pens, colored pencils, Sharpies, paints, crayons - whatever you have on hand
- Magazine images, papers for collage
- Mod Podge for collage
- Tacky Glue or a glue gun
- 1.5″ Safety Pins
- Lots of assorted beads, and charms that have meaning to you.
- Strong bead elastic
- T-Shirt (black works GREAT for this project)
- white chalk or chalk pencil
- Clorox Bleach Pen
- Acrylic paints, your favorite colors
- Puff Paint (silver or gold)
- Deco Art Glass Stain (optional)
- Battery Operated Candle
- Yarn, ribbon, fabric tatters, string
- Medium Sized Feathers
- Pen refills ( .99 cents for a two-pack at Staples)
- Jars
- Fabric scraps (approx 7″ x 7″)
- Fabric Markers a/o fabric paint
Scissors, Paint Brushes, Clipboard, Wire Snips, Jewelry Pliers, (or regular pliers will do)
Mighty Girl Art featured in Wild Sister Magazine...hello Australia!

I would be oh so grateful if you would spread the love, add a Mighty Girl Art button to your site!
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Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. - Henry James