only to stand
wherever I am
to be blessed." - Mary Oliver
Day 2: I am here to tell you that the girls have officially taken ownership of their camp, arriving early to help set up. This thrills me to the core. They hung the wish flags that they made yesterday along with the wish flags made by some seriously Mighty Mamas!

Then we started working on our journals, adding paint, oil stick and collage papers, building background texture and layers to work upon in the days ahead.
The journals were placed in the sun to dry.
And we ended the morning with worry boxes. Based on Guatemalan worry dolls that date back to Mayan traditions, they are thought to soothe anxiety and fears. Worry boxes are a wonderful therapeutic tool. Belief, intention and faith can help a young person shed mild to moderate anxiety.
Some mental health experts believe that the rituals surrounding a worry box actually provide some comfort during times of stress or grief. The idea is to write one's worries on a piece of paper and immediately place it in the worry box. Expressing feelings of worry or sorrow in writing can prove to be a cathartic experience. It allows the person to acknowledge the emotional pain and get it out.
The inspiring words on the box are meant to reassure that these worries disappear with time. As worries begin to disappear, one is to replace them with other thoughts until one finds peace of mind....
or even JOY!
How wonderful to read about Mighty Girls as the week unfolds! You have set into motion a truly meaningful experience for the girls. Becca is enjoying herself so much. I wish this camp was longer!