* The purpose of our documentation is to provide a window into the creative process and the interactions within our circle. It keeps the memory of our work together alive and offers a touchstone to revisit later for further reflection by the facilitators, the parents and the children.


( To register for our workshops, please visit, thank you! )

Women are the primary resource of the planet. They give birth, we come from them. They are mothers, they are visionaries, they are the future. If we can figure out how to make women feel safe and honor women, it would be parallel or equal to honoring life itself."

- Eve Ensler

What people are saying....

"Mighty Girl Art Spring-e-session is stunning from top to bottom, full of secret places and surprises, chock, chock, chock and bursting. It is a jewel box. Our girls don't have anything like this and what they do have doesn't leave them time to devote to self-discovery and expression. This is so suited to girls who have suffered their first losses of friendship, of power, of certainty, of love . . . who have begun the long season of being overlooked and misunderstood."
Karen Maezen Miller (author of "Momma Zen" and "hand wash cold")

"So lovely! You've woven many elements so gently to create a sweet, encouraging journey for our girls. Bits of wisdom, poetry, media all presented in such a non-intimidating way that I wish had been my experience as a young child. Gracious, inviting and and charming, your program is an invitation to have tea with oneself and chat about possibilities and wonder." - Flo Gascon (Wide Sky Days)

"I can't tell you again how much your Mighty Girl Art has impacted my daughter. We have never seen her so lit up like this before". - LD

"Mighty Girl Art Camp has not only given my daughter the ability to express herself, but the confidence that her feelings are powerful, important, beautiful and valued because they are her own. What Wendy was able to inspire the girls to create is nothing short of magical. I saw a sparkle in my daughter's eyes that I hadn't seen in a long time." - Teena D.

"I want to thank you for the experience both my daughters had with you this summer at Mighty Girl Art Camp. When I registered my daughter Victoria for your camp, I was enrolling her to learn more about art with a fine artist, but in addition my daughter learned more about herself, other girls, and empowerment through artistic expression. Each day she came home with an added bounce in her step and a smile on her face - eager to show me what she created and tell me of what she had been given as food for thought. As a mother who believes that learning comes from within, I appreciate that you opened a banquet of creative ideas, supplies and directions and allowed the girls to follow their own interpretations of what the end result would be. The journey itself was priceless. She did not end the week with a "project". She ended the week with an "experience". - B'Lynn

Wanted: Mighty Intern

If you're strong enough to hold the 12 foot pole of my tipi while I hammer the stakes; if you enjoy making art with a bunch of awesome kids; if you're inclined to bust out a happy dance and not worry about looking like a dork; if you laugh loudly, have a big smile, a kind heart and a sense of adventure...

Click HERE to download an intern application!

Responsibilities include:
  • arriving early to raise the tipi
  • assist with camper arrival
  • set up of tipi interior
  • set up and distribution of project materials
  • clean up of project materials to ensure smooth transition between projects
  • engage, encourage and support girls as they explore various mediums
  • assist in keeping everyone on task
  • assist taking down the tipi and overall camp clean-up
  • assist with camper departure

Registration Form

One little formality...please download a copy of these registration forms and:
  • fill it out
  • then email it to me
  • or mail it to me so that I have it before camp starts
  • or at the very least bring it with you on the first day of camp...
I must have emergency contact information in the event that you laugh until your face hurts or you chip your nail polish while dancing for joy or something like that...

Click HERE to download a registration form!
Next click HERE to download the disclaimer form!

*Please note that the address of the camp site is not on the form. This is to protect the privacy of the girls and the camp site. Only the parents of registered campers can access that info. If you are registering your daughter for camp, the address and phone numbers will be in the signature of our email exchange. Please save that information. Thank you.

Mighty Girl Art™ Tour

Have tipi, will travel! Yes, Mighty Girl Art™ will come to your town, school, organization, camp or art retreat. Please contact us regarding available dates.

via pixels: wendy(at)wendycook(dot)com
via waves 571 268-5070

Mighty Resources

Click HERE to view the complete list of recommended books!


About Face: To equip girls and women with tools to understand and resist harmful media messages that affect self-esteem and body image.

Tao-Girl: Tao-Girls are a community of girls, ages 11-17 who support and encourage each other to be self confident, powerful and bold.

Girls Health: Created to promote healthy and positive behaviors in girls, giving them reliable and useful health information in a fun, easy-to-understand way. The website also provides information to parents and educators to help them teach girls about healthy living.

Girls Inc.: A nonprofit organization that inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through a network of local organizations in the United States and Canada that empowers girls to reach their full potential and to understand, value, and assert their rights.

Red Moon: Coaching Moms in welcoming their coming-of-age daughters into womanhood with ease and comfort.

Campaign For Real Beauty: Our movement is building a world where women everywhere have the tools to inspire each other and the girls in their lives.

I Am Beautiful: A documentary film focusing on the rich stories women have to tell about coming to terms with their self-images, and explores the obstacles many women overcome to be able to proclaim that they are indeed beautiful from the inside out.

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics: Coalition to protect the health of consumers and workers by securing the corporate, regulatory and legislative reforms necessary to eliminate dangerous chemicals from cosmetics and personal care products.

Stop Bullies: An anti Bullying Blog created to help provide information and resources for children, teens and adults that are victims of bullying.

Make A Difference:

Because I Am A Girl: A campaign to fight gender inequality and promote girls' rights. Across the world, girls face the double discrimination of their gender and age, leaving them suffering at the bottom of the social ladder. Girls are denied access to health services and education, and also face extremely high levels of violence, abuse, and harassment.

Girl Up
: A campaign of the United Nations Foundation, gives American girls the opportunity to channel their energy and compassion to raise awareness and funds for programs of the United Nations that help some of the world’s hardest-to-reach adolescent girls.

Tips for Mothers of Teens AND Tips for Dads of Teens


For those of you who did not get a seat in a Mighty Girl Art ™ Session , I am offering PDF workbooks.   It's the next best thing to being there!   Proceeds help fund Mighty Girl Art™. Thank you for your generosity.

Wintry Workbook 2012

The Wintry 24 page PDF package contains detailed instructions and photos for the FIVE projects from the 2012 Mighty Girl Art Wintry Workshop. The projects are simple, fun and suitable for tweens, teens and adults. You can host a Wintry Weekend Craftapalooza in your own home. Perfect for Girl Scout troops. Create cool gifts for siblings, friends and teachers.