Last week I asked the girls to start considering a word or short passage that has meaning to them.

Words can be powerful...I carry the words of my favorite writers and poets in my heart as though my life depends on them. Sometimes...I even wear them.
Some years ago I saw Dr. Emoto's water crystal experiment in a film called, "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" Dr. Emoto exposed water crystals to different words then photographed them. The results were astounding.
His experiment suggests that our consciousness may have some effect on everything around us. The human body is made of 50-65% water. About 71% of the earth's surface is made up of water, but water also exists in the air, the soil, plants and animals. It's just one of those things that makes you go hmmmm.
Shortly thereafter, I read about this amazing mom who created her own version of Dr. Emoto's experiment for her daughters. You can read about that here. Perhaps you would like to try the experiment yourself.

Every year as we approach winter, I think of snow aka water crystals and then my mind drifts in the direction of Dr. Emoto's experiment. I love snow and maybe even more than ever because of Dr. Emoto. So it is with these thoughts in mind, that I presented the stamped metal talismans to the girls. Today after our ritual sipping of hot cocoa, we got right to work on some words to embody...

We added charms to our necklaces. Pine cones are a symbol found in ancient cultures that is said to represent illumination or spiritual enlightenment. Acorns are a symbol of strength and in the Victorian era were thought to be a good luck charm. The pine cone contains seeds while the acorn is a seed. Seeds represent consciousness, growth, and change.
What seeds will you be sowing in the coming year?
After the talisman project was completed. We decorated our mugs. The mugs will be fired tonight and ready to take home after our last workshop.

The girls then designed the packaging for their gifts and collected the hand printed cards that they created last week.

Of course there was some horsing around...
and we ended the day with S'mores.

Girls, we have no class next week November 29th. Our last workshop is on Saturday Dec 6th.
Please remember to bring your prints for the wood transfer since we didn't get to it today. We'll will also be creating a wish start secretly gathering your wishes for the coming year!
Have a happy thanksgiving! Have a happy EVERYTHING!!!
Made so & rooted by love,