“The sight of [the horse] did something to me I've never quite been able to explain. [The horse] was more than tremendous strength and speed and beauty of motion. [The horse] set me dreaming.” - Walt MoreyThe
wind horses are galloping in from all over the land to adorn the Mighty Tipi with love and good wishes...

This beauty arrived from New England and was made by the loving and talented hands of
Nina Beana, Mighty Mama to Gray, Joey, and Lulu!
And this beauty is galloping from Nevada and was made by the loving and talented hands of
Joyful Veronica, Mighty Mama to Fiona!

*Would like to contribute your own wind horse to the Mighty Girl Art empowerment camp? Add your wish, hope, prayer or positive affirmation to a 6.5" x 7.5" fabric square
(dimensions do not have to be exact) in any medium...stitch, paint, draw, dye...CREATE and spread the love!
and send it to:
Mighty Girl Art
2139 Colts Neck Ct
Reston, VA 20191